Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download

BTV Xuân TháiTháng Năm 10, 2023

Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download

If you are looking for a powerful resource to help you learn more about personal finance and build wealth, then you may be interested in the “Rich Dad Poor Dad” audiobook. Written by Robert Kiyosaki, this book has been a bestseller for many years and has helped countless people change their relationship with money. And the best part? You can download the audiobook for free, which means you can start learning from it right away, no matter where you are or what your budget is. In this article, will take a closer look at the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and review of this book.

Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download
Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download

Who’s Robert T.Kiyosaki?

Robert T. Kiyosaki is an American entrepreneur, investor, and author who is best known for his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad.” He was born on April 8, 1947, in Hilo, Hawaii, and is of Japanese-American ancestry.

Kiyosaki began his career in the 1970s working for Xerox Corporation, but eventually became disillusioned with the corporate world and left to start his own business. He and his wife Kim founded a company that taught financial education to individuals and businesses, and it was through this work that Kiyosaki developed the ideas that would later become the basis for “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”

The book was published in 1997 and has since become a bestseller, selling over 40 million copies worldwide and being translated into 51 languages. Kiyosaki has written many other books on personal finance and investing, and he continues to be a prominent figure in the world of financial education and entrepreneurship.

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Review audio book “ Rich Dad Poor Dad” 

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a personal finance book that aims to provide insights into how to build wealth and achieve financial independence. The author, Robert T. Kiyosaki, shares his own experiences growing up with two influential figures in his life – his “poor dad,” his biological father who was a highly educated government employee with a steady income, and his “rich dad,” his best friend’s father who was a successful entrepreneur and investor.

The audiobook version of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is narrated by Tim Wheeler, who does a great job of bringing the content to life. His tone is engaging, and his pacing is just right, making it easy to listen to and absorb the information.

The book is structured in a way that is easy to follow, with each chapter focusing on a specific topic related to personal finance, such as the importance of financial education, the difference between assets and liabilities, and the value of taking calculated risks. Kiyosaki shares his personal stories and anecdotes to illustrate each point, which helps to make the content relatable and easy to understand.

One of the key takeaways from “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is the importance of shifting your mindset from being an employee to being an entrepreneur or investor. Kiyosaki emphasises the need to focus on acquiring assets that generate income, rather than accumulating liabilities that drain your finances. He also stresses the importance of financial education and encourages readers to seek out opportunities to learn more about money management and investing.

Overall, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a great audiobook for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of personal finance and how to build wealth. The content is accessible, engaging, and informative, and the narrator does an excellent job of bringing the material to life. 

Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download
Rich Dad Poor Dad audio book free download

Lessons from the audio book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

  • The importance of financial education: Kiyosaki argues that traditional education does not teach people how to manage money effectively. He stresses the importance of seeking out financial education to learn how to make money work for you, instead of working for money.
  • The difference between assets and liabilities: Kiyosaki defines assets as things that put money in your pocket, while liabilities are things that take money out of your pocket. He advises readers to focus on acquiring assets, such as real estate, stocks, or a business, that generate income.
  • The value of taking calculated risks: Kiyosaki encourages readers to take calculated risks in their financial lives. He argues that playing it safe and staying in your comfort zone will not lead to financial success. However, he also stresses the importance of doing your research and making informed decisions.
  • The need to shift your mindset from being an employee to being an entrepreneur or investor: Kiyosaki argues that the traditional path of getting a job and working for someone else is not the path to financial freedom. Instead, he encourages readers to focus on building their own businesses or investing in assets that generate passive income.
  • The power of passive income: Kiyosaki emphasises the importance of building passive income streams that generate income even when you’re not actively working. He argues that relying solely on earned income (i.e., a salary or wages) will not lead to financial independence.
  • The role of financial intelligence in building wealth: Kiyosaki argues that financial intelligence is the key to building wealth. He defines financial intelligence as the ability to understand financial statements and use them to make informed decisions about money.

Overall, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” provides a valuable framework for understanding personal finance and building wealth. The lessons it teaches are applicable to people at all stages of their financial journeys, from those just starting out to those looking to take their finances to the next level.

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In conclusion, the audiobook version of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki is an excellent resource for anyone looking to gain a better understanding of personal finance and how to build wealth. The book’s engaging narration by Tim Wheeler, coupled with Kiyosaki’s personal stories and anecdotes, make it a compelling listen that is both informative and easy to understand.

The lessons presented in the book, such as the importance of financial education, the value of taking calculated risks, and the need to shift your mindset from being an employee to being an entrepreneur or investor, are timeless and relevant to people from all walks of life.

Furthermore, the book emphasises the power of passive income and the role of financial intelligence in building wealth, providing readers with a valuable framework for achieving financial independence.

Overall, “Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a must-read or must-listen for anyone who wants to take control of their financial future and build a better life for themselves and their families. And with the availability of a free download of the audiobook, it’s easier than ever to access this invaluable resource.

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